Monday 1 July 2013

ACCA Skills Module Mode Activated

So I’m now about three weeks into class for  the skills module of the ACCA Qualification. In case you don’t know, I’m studying for the ACCA qualification besides my interest in Web Development. Pity henceforth a greater proportion of my time is now focused on work  towards that.It's worth it in the long run i must admit.

That is not to say I’ve lost interest in coding, matter of fact I’ve come to love both accounting and  coding, only now I’ve got to prioritize and ACCA comes first. From time to time I’ll have coding as a side dish though until I’ve cleared my next six papers.

Assessment at the skills module(Part 2) is nothing compared to the knowledge module(Part 1). There’s a lot of work involved here, the questions are longer and just a look at the bulky course materials can make you decided on the spot whether to continue or not that is if you lack that needed determination.

At the skills level it is very important you get the topics and concepts from the very beginning and your perception or mindset about this level will have a telling effects on how you are able to achieve that.

One thing you should not be thinking about is how difficult it might be for you to understand and solve questions on every topic in the study guides within the time constraints just by looking at the bulkiness of course materials for even a single paper and don’t be swayed by other people’s negative perceptions and comments about the ACCA program.

Listening to quitters will give you reason to quit too. Instead align yourself with others who are ahead of you as well as those whose have successfully completed the program. That way you’ll  get loads of motivation,inspiration and encouragement

Forming and developing a positive mind set and perception is one of the things I’ve learnt to do even at this early stage.Once I got that sorted out, the volume of text didn’t intimidate me any longer.I’ll try not to miss any class, I’ll make a lot of time for studying and solving questions and I’m holding fast with confident expectation for the future.Simply put, I’ll do my part with the faith that God will fulfill HIS part too. There’s no question about that.

With God all things are possible.